Jo Alilovic


3D HR Legal

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Her story

Jo is a Director at 3D HR Legal.

Without mentioning your job title, how would you describe what it is you do now (whether at home, work, in the community, etc.)?

I work with employers who want to go from people problems to teams that get results. I use my natural curiosity to ask a lot of questions to determine the ideal outcome and then guide them through identifying and creating fair principles of work, and how to communicate them successfully.

What are the first three words you think of when you hear the word ‘diversity’?

Equals better thinking.

What do you think it will take to develop truly diverse thinking within the legal industry?

Ensuring that those who are making decisions are from diverse backgrounds – not just consulting with those who are. This needs to be at all levels, particularly in the Court system and Government.

What was your main driver to enter the legal industry?

The desire to help improve people’s lives and businesses by helping them understand the legal system.

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