Nikki Robinson

National Practice Group Leader

Clayton Utz

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Her story

Nikki is a National Practice Group Leader at Clayton Utz.

Without mentioning your job title, how would you describe what it is you do now (whether at home, work, in the community, etc.)?

I lead an amazing market leading team of 100 people at work and at home I do crowd control, ethics and logistics management with 3 school aged children ranging from 10 to 14. I feel that my greatest skill is problem solving (in both areas) and try to show that by acting honestly and by being accountable – for the good and the not so good, you build a team and a family that is open, honest and ready to pitch in and work together to be the best that they can be.

What are the first three words you think of when you hear the word ‘diversity’?

Talent, value, perspective.

What do you think it will take to develop truly diverse thinking within the legal industry?

Fully recognising the financial and social benefits of providing an environment that fully unlocks the talent of all of the individuals within it.

What was your main driver to enter the legal industry?

To make a difference in the world – I just didn’t realise it then, but this would be primarily through working on projects that create better places – both physical and socially, that are safer and more liveable for all of the people that occupy that space. This has also given me an opportunity to take on a leadership role that has allowed me to effect changes within a number of the organisations that I worked in to ensure they were more able to take up the benefits of a diverse and inclusive work force.

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