Hannah Barbour

Agribusiness lawyer

Thynne + Macartney

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Her story

Hannah is an Agribusiness lawyer at Thynne + Macartney.

Without mentioning your job title, how would you describe what it is you do now (whether at home, work, in the community, etc.)?

I advise farmers and graziers on a wide range of legal issues including buying and selling rural properties, negotiating access arrangements with mining and gas companies and establishing carbon offsets projects on their land.

What are the first three words you think of when you hear the word ‘diversity’?

Break glass ceilings.

What do you think it will take to develop truly diverse thinking within the legal industry?

Focus needs to be given to developing diverse thinking at a grassroots level. It is great that many workplaces now have “equal opportunity/equity and inclusion policies” but until each and every member of that workplace truly understands what it takes (at their individual level) to make the workplace diverse and supportive, the policies and planning will fall on deaf ears.

What was your main driver to enter the legal industry?

Initially, my mother who subtly suggested that I should reconsider my plans to become a nutritionist and instead try law given my ability to argue a point until I am blue in the face! But what has kept me in the industry and particularly in the rural industry is the wide variety of work that comes across my desk and the wonderful rural clients who I have the pleasure of dealing with and helping on a daily basis.

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